Ага, поэтому шапку не носит.
Так волосы быстрее жирнятся.
Мне не Пучковский перевод этого фрагмента понравился больше
Джорах Мормонт? Он бы этогоэтого точно хотел.
А вдруг она гладит Кхал Дрого?
Ещё доставляет "мысли ходора".
комментарий автора:
They are two things I was trying to achieve with this painting, the first is trying to paint in a similar style of ingres mixed with other influences. Second trying to depict a scene in showing Sansa being completley vulnerable,fragile,upset and controlled and used by the hands of murderers and liars. She is not my favorite character in the book but I just feel so damn bad for her because of the things she goes through. Specifically the scene is from the 3rd book A Storm of Swords, after the wedding of Sansa and Tyrion and drinking cups of wine Tyrion tells Sansa that he has to do his "Duty" and consummate the marriage..... and this is what he will see that will ultimatley make his decision. Im not going to spoil what he does do just read all the books oh god there so good!

I did use a reference but did alterations and also covered her up by adding the blanket because I wanted the scene to seem elegant and not be a pervert since Sansa is only a teen the original ref is completely nude.
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