договор Станиса с Железным банком
* THE IRON BANK OF BRAAVOS APPLICATION FOR SELLS WORD LOAN Name of Applicant: Stannis Baratheon signature. igtannj5 *8anatbeoD Full Street \ddre»»: j c*5tlo Road ( it» A illagr l ocale: pr 1(j0^3tore kingdom: Stormlands Mesteros 17712828 IitlntRrcogaUrdl. Il0t<i Qg Dragonstone litletUnrccogal/ed»: Fir,t of his nare, King of the Andaln and the First «en. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm.. (list on reverse) I iileti Divided»: st ar, the M«r.# The Lobster MirMil Slat«»: CD Married C ) ngaged 1« llouvc Frey □ » ngagcd For Rtal □ None ) «■«) Non-Dependent C hiidrea: llsifrii: 3 sons (ptcklod)! I snoke monster • of Dependent ( hikJico laughter Purpose of l oan: g □ Rnrtft CD Claiming Birihr<t»i □ Foreign lavadrr» (»pecif» heWw) ’”***” DDMlnUIMr ltl«i<w:B!.,w □ UMiap □ Olktr Pavahlcio: „ Sln*haH ëcfcft» rcSfahkiT 1 fl-StHftm? p' !” 1,000,000 Amortl/atiae Schedule: □ Monthl» O Quarter!» □ Annual!» 33 "ttkta \\c Mm" □ Minier*»Coming (¡naiTn lacoat: '•I’m not a numt (imi of OtheFT _____________________________sers guy** (Including mcnuc from hnbe*. »kuMuggcrv. beothcl pn.dk» and tr>b»/»c-0 \nnual Production of Ulxil: 0 Bark»: 0 Ikef: 0 PockTÔ Chkhen: 0 fS**.''11“” IÎ!?N2îT!7C,U,îf. 7 chiclcn eaten by The lloundi » of Pnuali; 2 3 F5T5aHSTr77 Serf* KiMtkh Sal Ship«: » iiiotiisbimrtoMit ('•art Vofclrcllmtacn Jimrtion fodder: 3-4 Tscnraan------------- ll V. Mil. I llawàill Militai« Command Hrattiir S »««dal □ khatavar □ ( Ian-hated □ Anarcho-S»ndie aim Commune FiscalUiMMn: 2,300 left of student loans. raw no □ |roa Prkf 3(.old Prkc Wfcuh u*<h’<i(bew*<h«eii □ The I gh One 2 lhat Me* Piece of A»»hai Spiritual I lahlitKi ■ □ Haunted Caille □ Cum C3 Bewitched Spiritual Homo l»o IN cl I Ancit: I Old Cad» DXta □■«rwaid Dla* BRed □ PenneedD Peach QUan* QSIwwi DOtWf DSne» i clalw lo be (.od ' ra v„---------------------------------...... |>o pr«pk Belre»e II?: Die» S No Nol Realh sasy a*« ■> ^ *• I hr trodit) are: Q Merciful D Indifferent □ Not merciful, that’» wh> the»‘re god». [3 Surpri»ingl> llaadvOl The Iron Bank: Q Will ||a»c II» Dim □ "n'I lla»e It* Dae □ Seoob» Dooh» Due □ (oeh-aDoodk-Due (DO NOT WRIT» BI.I.OW TIIIM IM -KWk ISE ONI.Y) Loan Officer: Tycho N. Most Enemy (Tommen B.) assets are illiquid, but of substantial value. Liabilities in excess of six million, most to us. In forclosure. High risk due to low solvency of applicant. Loan OKed after Ser Onion offered to co-sign; fingers entered as collateral. r,n.
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