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Судя по волчьей тушке, скорее надежды космических фуррей на скорое возвращение Лемана Русса
+ Сцена из нового сольника, где Лев разделывает тушу

‘I still require a knife,’ he announces to the group at large, turning away from Zabriel. The people shrink back from him in fear and awe, and not a little uncertainty as he strides back towards the corpse of the mutated beast.
‘You cannot eat the meat of such a thing, lord,’ someone pipes up, then gets nudged in the ribs. ‘Well, we can’t,’ she adds uncertainly.
‘I have no intention of eating it,’ the Lion declares. He flexes his fingers, as long-ago hunting trips on Caliban come to the fore in his mind.
The simple work of skinning a kill, even with a knife that is too small in his hands, occupies and calms the Lion’s mind. The blade is marked with a hand-scratched aquila, and while it is a devotional symbol in these times, he finds that he can think of it simply as a reminder of his father. He pays little attention to the mood of the people around him, although he is aware that some are fearful of him after he bested their ‘protector’, while others are encouraged that they now have an even more formidable warrior with them. He barely notices when the sun’s light, already muted by the leaves and trunks of the trees, disappears completely. It is only when he hears Zabriel approaching that he starts to consider why that is. It is true that his eyes are sensitive, far more so than those of a human, but even so…
+ Сцена из нового сольника, где Лев разделывает тушу ножом:

‘I still require a knife,’ he announces to the group at large, turning away from Zabriel. The people shrink back from him in fear and awe, and not a little uncertainty as he strides back towards the corpse of the mutated beast.
‘You cannot eat the meat of such a thing, lord,’ someone pipes up, then gets nudged in the ribs. ‘Well, we can’t,’ she adds uncertainly.
‘I have no intention of eating it,’ the Lion declares. He flexes his fingers, as long-ago hunting trips on Caliban come to the fore in his mind.
The simple work of skinning a kill, even with a knife that is too small in his hands, occupies and calms the Lion’s mind. The blade is marked with a hand-scratched aquila, and while it is a devotional symbol in these times, he finds that he can think of it simply as a reminder of his father. He pays little attention to the mood of the people around him, although he is aware that some are fearful of him after he bested their ‘protector’, while others are encouraged that they now have an even more formidable warrior with them. He barely notices when the sun’s light, already muted by the leaves and trunks of the trees, disappears completely. It is only when he hears Zabriel approaching that he starts to consider why that is. It is true that his eyes are sensitive, far more so than those of a human, but even so…